GE OEC Brivo Plus

Learn and operate the system with ease thanks to a simple user interface

Reposition the system with speed and flexibility. Learn more about its ergonomic design.

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Simply speed up!


  • Learn and operate the system with ease thanks to a simple user interface
  • Reposition the system with speed and flexibility. Learn more about its ergonomic design.


  • Optimize image quality instantly and avoid image retakes with automatic imaging capabilities
  • Access most imaging functions in one or two clicks


  • Capture precise images with dose management capabilities
  • Access dose data and images in a single step

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Speed up your workflow

  • Access most functions in one or two screen taps
  • Disconnect and move the C-arm without having to restart the system with Smart Connect
  • Quickly remove any noise in the acquisition process with Manual Noise Filtering.

Streamlined and ergonomic design to simplify your workflow

  • The OEC Brivo displays clear images, even in illuminated operating rooms
  • The C-arm can be moved with ease and flexibility
  • New advancements in steering and lightweight construction make the Brivo transportablt

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Achieve precision without complexity

The OEC Brivo features innovative technology and intuitive advancements aimed at simplifying its operation, delivering exceptional image quality, and accelerating your productivity.

  • Point-and-shoot technology brings moving and objects that are difficult to see into fast focus
  • Obtain high quality images even when the region of interest is off-center with AutoTrak
  • Maintain image quality when metal is in the field of vision with Smart Metal
  • Take quick and easy measurements with Angle Measurement Software**
  • (e.g. helps accurately positioning bones or inserting screws during hip procedures)
  • Optimize image contrast, improve image detail and reduce raw beam in the image with AutoWindow

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more about how the workflow efficiency of the OEC Brivo system compares to a competitive C-arm system

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